Beware of Over-dog
Go to Vault 850 and find the Overseer.
The Overseer from Vault 850 has sent us a distress signal! The catch is the Overseer is apparently a dog...
Progress: 19h 30m
Rewards: Legendary junks; 3 Caps; others
Requirements: Level 36; weapon max power 15+
Revenge of the geeks
Test your math skills.Who says accountants are wimps? Answer the questions or face the consequences.
Progress: 1d 1h 0m
Rewards: Recipe; rare outfits; others
Requirements: Level 45; Initiate Robe; 1 Dweller
Mall madness
Mall has been overrun!
Who knew shopping can be so dangerous?
Progress: 1d 1h 0m
Rewards: Nuka-Cola quantum 2; 4000 Caps; others
Requirements: Level 25; weapon max power 10+
Honeymoon horror
Rescue the newlyweds from the Radscorpions.
Some newlyweds from a nearby settlement went to a secluded cave to "celebrate" in private. They haven't returned, and neither has the original rescue party! Maybe those rumors of Radscorpions are true after all. Better gear up!
Progress: 17h 15m
Rewards: Pet - Scottish Fold; others
Requirements: Level 24; weapon max power 10+; Wasteland Gear
Reign of Radroach Rodney!
Defeat Radroach Rodney and his Radroaches!
Radroach Rodney and his army of mind-controlled Radroaches are invading the Wasteland!
Progress: 10h 30m
Rewards: Rare weapons; rare outfits; others
Requirements: Level 18; weapon max power 7+
Wedding crashes
Help an engaged Raider couple work through their problem.
The notorious Raider, Sally Switchblade, is getting married to the infamous Marcus Hammer. But they're both having second thoughts, because neither wants to live Raider lifestyle anymore. If only they'd communicate! Bust in and solve their problems for them.
Progress: 22h 0m
Rewards: Rare weapons; rare outfits; rare junks; others
Requirements: Level 31; weapon max power 12+
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