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女巫魂兮,灵游林兮; 守我家兮,老祖尸兮。
万年睡兮,帝俊生兮; 子炅鸷兮,祖羲和兮。

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辐射:避难所 限定任务(1)



所需时间:6h 20m
奖励:稀有级装备 - Skeleton Costume;稀有级垃圾;其它
需求:等级18;Ghost Costume;1名避难所居民


所需时间:6h 40m
需求:等级18;Ghost Costume;1名避难所居民


所需时间:7h 0m
奖励:配方;稀有级武器 - Raffle;3000瓶盖;其它
需求:等级18;Ghost Costume;1名避难所居民


所需时间:8h 20m
奖励:核子汽水5;稀有级武器 - Butcher knife
需求:等级10;Pilgrim Outfit;1名避难所居民

Door Buster

成为第一位找到Door Buster的人!
废土内流传着关于Door Buster的流言。这是寻找神秘奖励的比赛!
所需时间:10h 0m


所需时间:10h 0m
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辐射:避难所 蓝色任务(3)



所需时间:22h 45m
奖励:传奇级武器 - Alien;传奇级垃圾;稀有级武器;其它
要求:等级42;Institute Rifle;Advanced Institute Jumper


所需时间:1d 4h 0m


所需时间:22h 0m
要求:等级29;武器最大攻击12+;5 Perception


所需时间:23h 45m
要求:等级50;7 Agility;7 Endurance


所需时间:21h 30m
奖励:核子汽水2;传奇级垃圾;稀有级武器 - Plasma Rifle;其它
要求:等级38;Lab Coat;7 I


所需时间:22h 0m
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辐射:避难所 蓝色任务(2)

Read in English


解决Psycho 77.
进程所费时间:19h 15m


著名科学家Otto von Hurfburg正在附近寻找一个现代青年喷泉。找到他,并学习他所发现的东西!
进程所费时间:20h 0m
奖励:核子汽水 4;稀有级别垃圾;其它


进程所费时间:4h 0m


进程所费时间:1天 0分
奖励:机器人盒子 1;核子汽水 3;传奇级别垃圾




进程所费时间:22h 15m
奖励:核子汽水 2;传奇级别垃圾;稀有级别装备;其它
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  1. 根据症状找对应的科。比如:腹痛一般看内科。女性特有的腹痛可以前往婦人科。
  2. 查找最近的对应小诊所。日本就医和国内不同,在日本小病基本在小诊所治疗,小诊所治疗不了的才去综合医院。综合医院因为就诊人多,有时治疗周期比小诊所长。
  3. 能提前预约的就应提前预约时间。
  4. 在诊所就诊后拿处方单,到隔壁的药局去买药。注意:日本的医院诊所基本不卖药,买处方药要到药局,非处方药到药妆店就可购买。






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Fallout Shelter Blue Quest (10)

The Secret of [Redacted]

Uncover a far-reaching conspiracy.
Keep this to yourself, but we've been contacted by one of our deep agents, codename Moley, who says he's uncovered a massive conspiracy with vast ramifications. Go over to Vault 322 to hear Moley's big story!
Progress: 10h 0m
Rewards: Vault-Tech Lunchbox 1; Nuka-Cola Quantum 2; Fragments; others
Requirements: Level 30

Little Miss Wasteland

Compete in the Wasteland's most prestigious pageant.
Great news! We've been invited to participate in the Miss Wasteland pageant, which - in spite of its name - is open to men and women. Put on your nicest! looking swimsuit and knock 'em dead!
Progress: 6h 30m
Rewards: Nuka-Cola Quantum 2; Legendary junks; 2000 Caps; others
Requirements: 1 Dweller; Level 22; Swimsuit

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Fallout Shelter Green Quest - Food, Glowrious Food

All 7 Dramas

Drama 1: All Sales Final

Retrieve ingredients from infested Super-Duper Mart.
Our new chef has some bold ideas to spruce up our daily fare, and he's made a list of specific ingredients he needs. We should visit a nearby abandoned Super-Duper Mart to see if we can find any of them.
Progress: 2h 30m
Rewards: 1100 Caps; Recipes; others
Requirements: Level 10+; Weapon max power 5+

Drama 2: Thyme is money

Steal some spices from a band of Raiders.
All right, the Super-Duper Mart was a bust as far as ingredients go. This time, though, we have a sure lead to a cache of spice in a nearby building! And the chef is convinced the Raiders will just hand it over...
Progress: 4h 30m
Rewards: Nuka-Cola Quantum 2; Fragments; 1900 Caps; others
Requirements: Level 16; Weapon max power 7+

Drama 3: Cheese, please!

Obtain processed cheese from the abandoned factory.
The chef is happy - and surprised - that you made it back in one piece! He now requires processed cheese, AKA gray gold, the miracle food that endures the passage of time and nuclear war. Some may be left in the old Cheese Factory.
Progress: 7h 0m
Rewards: Legendary junks; Rare outfit - Bounty Hunter Gear; 3000 Caps; others
Requirements: Level 22; Radiation Suit

Drama 4: The Yolk's on you

Bring Radscorpion eggs back to the chef.
The chef never ceases to be amazed by your uncanny ability to escape death, and he wants to celebrate it with a Radscorpion egg omelet. Vault 923 was recently overrun by these critters, so that'd be a good place to start.
Progress: 9h 30m
Rewards: Lunchbox 1; Rare weapon - Pressurized Flamer;3650 Caps; others
Requirements: Level 28; Radiation Suit

Drama 5: High Steaks

Bring Deathclaw meat back to the chef.
Okey, so that Radscorpion omelet was kind of gross. To make up for it, the chef proposes to make his trademark Deathclaw Wellington. All he needs is fresh Deathclaw meat, straight from their den(sunlight is said to alter the taste).
Progress: 13h 0m
Rewards: Nuka-Cola Quantum 2; Rare weapon-Plasma Rifle; 4000 Caps; others
Requirements: Level 34; Weapon max power 14+

Drama 6: The Towering II Forno

Retrieve the chef's secret recipe.
That Deathclaw steak was a bit... stringy, to say the least. The chef feels bad about this, and wants to make his favorite comfort food, lasagna. Unfortunately, Raiders have stolen his secret sauce recipe, and we need to get it back from their towering lair first.
Progress: 17h 0m
Rewards: Legendary junks; Recipes; others
Requirements: Level 40; Weapon max power 17+

Drama 7: By hook or by cook

Kill the renegade chef.
As it turns out, the chef "really" was trying to kill us all. Seems he's with a hand of Raiders who've been eyeing out Vault. He fled as soon as he was exposed, but we know he's set to meet other Raiders at an abandoned Red Rocket.
Progress: 20h 0m
Rewards: Legendary outfit-Commander Uniform; Legendary junks; Rare weapon-Butcher Knife; others
Rewards: Level 46; Weapon max weapon 19+

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Fallout Shelter Green Quest - Horsemen of the Post-Apocalypse Part 3

All 6 Dramas

Drama 1: Set 'em Up: Pestilence

Lure Pestilence to the abandoned Vault 226.
The truce forgotten, War is now out for blood, ready to tear the Wasteland apart looking for Pestilence! The longer it takes, the more innocent Settlers will die, so let's dress as Warshippers and convince the Pests to bring Pestilence to War. Vault 226, abandoned and in the mountains, will make a great arena for their apocalyptic faceoff!
Progress: 11h 0m
Rewards: Legendary junks; Recipes; 3000 Caps; others
Requirements: Level 26; Weapon max power 10+; Raider Armor

Drama 2: Set 'em Up: Famine

Lure Famine to the abandoned Vault 226.
The Pests will bring Pestilence to Vault 226, so War is sure to follow. If we could get Famine there as well, the Horseman and their cultists might all take care of each others! We need to dress as Pests and speak to the Hungry Horde's non-feral leaders.
Progress: 14h 45m
Rewards: Fragments; Rare weapon - Enhanced Combat Shotgun; 3300 Caps; others
Requirements: Level 27; Radiation Suit

Drama 3: Run, Three Dog, Run!

Save Three Dog from the Death cultists chasing him.
All this time, Three Dog has been saving lives, helping Settlers evade the Horsemen's followers, but it's put him on Vault 144's hit list! His last broadcast has him on the run from Death cultists. We need to get to him before they do, and one of his pursuers might know the location of Death's cave!
Progress: 18h 30m
Rewards: Vault-Tech Lunchbox 1; 3575 Caps; Recipes; others
Requirements: Level 28; Weapon max power 12+

Drama 4: Knock 'Em Down

Kill Famine, Pestilence and War.
War vs. Pestilence vs. Famine. Warshippers vs. Pest. vs. Hungry. Everyone's arrived at Vault 226, ready to flight, but we shouldn't leave anything to chance. Let's wade though the carnage and make sure none of the Horsemen survive!
Progress: 14h 45m
Rewards: Nuka-Cola Quantum 2; Legendary junks; Legendary recipes; others
Requirements: Level 29; Weapon max power 12+

Drama 5: At Death's Door

Kill Death, the final Horseman.
Three down, one to go, and thanks to Three Dog, we know where Death's cave is. But will he be awake? Only one way to find out!
Progress: 19h 0m
Rewards: Legendary junks; Rare weapon-Hardened Flamer; 3250 Caps; others
Requirements: Level 30; Weapon max 12+

Drama 6: Just Deserts

Discover the origin of the Horsemen.
The Vault received an anonymous message promising to reveal the secret origin of the Horsemen. The location it gives is far into the Wasteland, but it's worth the risk to find out what this person has to say.
Progress: 23h 15m
Rewards: New Quest; 1750 Caps
Requirements: Level 30; Weapon max power 12+
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Fallout Shelter Legendary Dwellers

All 23
  1. Amata
  2. Colonel Autumn
  3. James
  4. Lucas Simms
  5. Old Longfellow
  6. Preston Garvey
  7. Sarah Lyons
  8. Star Paladin Cross
  9. Three Dog
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  1. 初次前往日本需要准备多少钱?要带什么东西?

  2. 一般建议20万日元。不要带太多衣服。带一些国内才有卖的,如清凉油,风油精,银翘片,六味地黄丸,一般的家庭常备药。其它建议买日本的,比国内还物美价廉。

  3. 刚到日本时需要办理的手续?

  4. 到所在的役所办理登记手续加入国民保险(日后加入社保后可退出)。与公司取得联系办理入职手续。办理手机及银行账户。

  5. 垃圾不会丢怎么办?

  6. 上网调查住所当地的垃圾丢弃方法。注意:乱丢垃圾是违法的,不仅会被罚款还可能被判刑。

  7. 生病了怎么办?

  8. 前往最近的诊所看病,不需要一定选择大医院。因为日本医疗发达,小诊所专门化后水平都很不错。而大医院有些时候需要介绍信才可以。个人承担30%的费用,实际负担不高,不要因为想省钱而不去,最后得不偿失。参见:赴日工作的IT新人注意事项:就医

  9. 外出迷路了怎么办?

  10. Google Map,警察,附件都保安或店员,路人。

  11. 能不能开展副业?

  12. 不能,一般都工作签证不可以做本职工作外的工作。加入日本国籍或拿到永住后可。志愿者可。

  13. 办理业务时的注意事项?

  14. 到正规店铺办理,不推荐投递到信箱里传单上的公司。这些公司很多给出诱人的宣传,但实际上并没有那么好。

  15. 钱不够花怎么办?

  16. 只看不买,合理剁手。

  17. 可以下载盗版软件吗?

  18. 不推荐。因为日本对知识保护重视,被查到会有麻烦。但在线使用貌似是可以的,这样责任在提供商。
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  1. 不论何时,到工作场所后应问好:おはようございます。(为什么
  2. 下班时说:お疲れ様でした。其他人下班时说:お疲れ様です。
  3. 向他人请教问题时应等对方有空时,先询问是否有空:すみません。今時間はよろしいですか。
  4. 式样有不明白的地方一定要先弄清楚再做,不自己蒙头苦干做无用功。
  5. 与他人交谈时应该使用ます型语句。在面对高层时可能的话使用敬语。
  6. 工作场所与其它中国人对话时,为照顾其它日本的感受,应尽量使用日文。
  7. 尽量在工作中不要杂谈。一般不反对办公室恋情,但请在下班后交流
  8. 除突发事故(如:车祸,突然高烧),请假需要提早至少3天(有时需要1周前或1月前)。
  9. 不迟到不早退。实现弹性工作时间的工作场所,也应尽量在10点前到达。
  10. 发送邮件时,注意需要CC人员的信息是否准确。
  11. 工作场所内不食用有强烈气味的食物或饮料。不发出很大的声音。
  12. 不破坏公共设施,不浪费办公用品。
  13. 男士方便后洗完手要擦干。日本男士很多带有手帕,有需要也可以携带。
  14. 女士不化浓妆。
  15. 保持愉快的心情。
  16. 如果工作压力过大,应合理释放。必要时向前辈请教。
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  • 准备好自我介绍,有需要可以事先写好并背熟
  • 听客户介绍时,需要看起来在认真听,并记笔记。
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  1. 出现安全问题,立刻通知上级!!!
  2. 工作中不使用个人邮箱。工作内容只能通过公司邮箱发送。
  3. 发送邮件时需要注意确认收信人是否正确。
  4. 发送附件时需要加密。密码不可以与附件在统一封邮件内发送。
  5. 不在公共场所讨论工作内容,不泄露客户信息。
  6. 不用私人手机拍摄含有工作内容的照片,不拍摄工作场所。
  7. 对于可疑邮件或未知发信人的邮件,不打开直接删除。
  8. 保护客户信息。如手机号,邮箱等。
  9. 不在网络上发表对客户,公司有关对评论。
  10. 外出聚餐时不携带公司或客户资料,如携带则必须不醉酒。
  11. 不使用公共WI-FI收发工作邮件。
  12. 在工作中不使用未经允许的电子设备,外接USB设备,U盘等。
  13. 注意保护好自身信息,工作手册等。手机设置密码。
  14. 乘坐电车时,注意保管好物品。重要文件不放在タナ上。
  15. 工作时不好奇去查看工作内容外的文档。
  16. 不上可疑的网站(尤其是中国的小网站)
  17. 不在工作电子设备(如电脑)上下载未经许可使用,及与工作无关的软件。
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Fallout Shelter Green Quest - Springtime for Atom

All 6 dramas

Drama 1: The Rite of Spr(ay)ing

Investigate radioactive spraying incidents.
We've had reports of nearby Settlers being randomly sprayed with radioactive material by unknown assailants. We should deliver some RadAway to those settlers and find out more about the attacks.
Progress: 2h 45m
Rewards: Nuka-Cola Quantum 2; 1850 Caps; Recipes; others
Requirements: Level 12; Weapon max power 3+

Drama 2: Spring Forward, Fall Back

Confront the local Children of Atom leader.
Our investigation has indicated that a local chapter of the Church of the Children of Atom was responsible for the recent toxic spraying attacks. We have to confront their leader, Confessor Alvarado, and tell him to stop those attacks, or else.
Progress: 7h 30m
Rewards: Nuka-Cola Quantum 2; 1500 Caps; others
Requirements: Level 13; Weapon max power 4+

Drama 3: E-Ster is Coming

Help the Children of Atom recover an ancient artifact.
Confessor Alvarado has agreed to put a stop to radioactive spraying, and as a sign of goodwill we've agreed to help the Church recover a sacred circuit board rumored to contain data about the ancient rite of E-Ster.
Progress: 9h 30m
Rewards: Nuka-Cola Quantum 1; Legendary junk - Military Circuit Board; 1600 Caps; others
Requirements: Level 14; Weapon max power 4+

Drama 4: The Sixth Sun

Rescue the Church's missing Brother.
We think Brother Will, the Church initiate who has gone missing, may have been kidnapped by a band of Raiders camped nearby. We'll send a team to rescue him, then inform Confessor Alvarado if and when we've brought him back to safety.
Progress: 11h 15m
Rewards: Nuka-Cola Quantum 2; 1750 Caps: others
Requirements: Level 15; Weapon max power 5+

Drama 5: E-Ster Egg Hunt

Find out more about the alleged nuclear bomb.
We've been invited to the Children of Atom's annual Deathclaw Egg Hut! This is a good opportunity to validate Brother Will's claims that the Church plans to detonate a large nuclear bomb on E-Ster Sunday...
Progress: 14h 0m
Rewards: Vault-Tec Lunchbox 1; Legendary junks; Fragments; others
Requirements: Level 16; Weapon max power 5+

Drama 6: Saving Daylight

Stop the Children of Atom from blowing up the area!
We need to stop Confessor Alvarado and the Church of the Children of Atom before they detonate their 20-megaton nuclear device, lest the entire area be vaporized!
Progress: 7h 30m
Rewards: Legendary outfit-Confessor Cromwell's Rags; 2000 Caps; others
Requirements: Level 17; Weapon max power 5+
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Fallout Shelter Blue Quest (9)

The Abyss

Explore the depth of a bottomless Vault.
We've all heard rumors of a bottomless Vault, one that is deeper than any others that have been built, but now it seems we may have actually located it! We need to send a recon party to explore the Vault and unlock its deadly secret.
Progress: 15h 0m
Rewards: Vault-Tech Lunchbox 1; Nuka-Cola Quantum 3; Recipes; others
Requirements: Level 40; Weapon max power 15+

Little Red Radium Hood

Locate and rescue the food delivery girl.
We sent one of our Dwellers to bring food to the old Non-Feral Ghoul known as "Grandmamma," but we haven't heard from her in a while. We need to send a team to investigate!
Progress: 13h 0m
Rewards: Nuka-Cola Quantum 1; rare outfits; 499 Caps; others
Requirements: Level 14; Weapon max power 5+

Wasteland: The musical

Stop a gang of singing Raiders from terrorizing the area.
A duet of singing Raiders has been spreading terror in the Wasteland using high production value musical numbers. We need to ring down the curtain on these musical thugs!
Progress: 7h 0m
Rewards: Nuka-Cola Quantum 2; legendary junk - Giddyup Buttercup; 1000 Caps; others
Requirements: 1 Dweller; Level 20; Weapon max power 6+

Death and Denial

Solve a murder mystery.
Egads! We've just received world that William Peabody III, Esg., has been found murdered in his bedchambers. We must send our brightest detective and his trusty sidekick to solve this gruesome mystery!
Progress: 5h 45m
Rewards: Nuka-Cola Quantum 2; Fragments; others
Requirements: 2 Dwellers; Level 15; Formal Wear

Humans Like Us

Investigate strange aerial lights.
There have been several reports of strange lights hovering over the Wasteland not far from here. The lights were congregating over an old abandoned mine. We need to investigate this before rumors of alien visitors start spreading!
Progress: 14h 0m
Rewards: Legendary weapon - Alien Blaster; Nuka-Cola Quantum 2; Legendary junks; others
Requirements: Level 40; Weapon max power 15+

War of the Nerds

Bring peace to warring groups of science-fiction fans.
We've just received news that a nearby Vault has descended into chaos. It seems fans of pre-war science-fiction novelettes have come to blows over which series is the best. We need to send a team to help pacify the Vault!
Progress: 12h 0m
Rewards: Legendary recipes; Rare outfit - Sturdy Wasteland Gear & Sci-Fi Fan Outfit; others
Requirements: Level 19; Charisma 6
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Fallout Shelter Green Quest - The Wizard of Water

All 8 Dramas

Drama 1: Fons Vivus

Learn more about the magical water people are talking about.
people are talking about a new kind of water that has healing properties, makes you stronger and brings good fortune. Adventure! Action! Refreshing Beverages! We can drink to that!
Progress: 3h 30m
Rewards: 2000 Caps; rare junks; others
Requirements: Level 18; Weapon max power 8+

Drama 2: Our cups runneth over... with failure

Visit Vault 315 to gather information on the magical water.
Can it be true? Has someone figured out a way to create water so powerful it can heal any ill, boost any crap, and fix any door? The people at Vault 315 should know more!
Progress: 5h 0m
Rewards: Nuka-Cola Quantum 2; recipes; others
Requirements: Level 20; weapon max power 9+

Drama 3: Half full, half empty

Find more info about the magical water at the old RobCo plant.
Apparently there's more to this story than meets the taste buds. This refreshing miracle beverage isn't so miraculous or refreshing after all, and the folks at the RobCo plant just may know the truth...
Progress: 7h 45m
Rewards: Legendary junks; 2500 Caps; others
Requirements: Level 22; Weapon max power 9+

Drama 4: Water into brine

Talk to the folks at the Vault-Tec offices about the water.
Does the "magical" water really work or is it a total sham? We need to track down this Water Wizard and see if he's the real deal or a snake oil salesman.
Progress: 10h 30m
Rewards: Nuka-Cola Quantum 2; 2750 Caps; others
Requirements: Level 24; Weapon max power 10+

Drama 5: Aqua Nuka-Cola

Clear out the Raider camp for the settler in the Vault-Tec offices.
The only way we can get more information about the Water Wizard is to cleat out this Raider camp. Should be a walk in the park!
Progress: 15h 0m
Rewards: Vault-Tec Lunchbox 1; Nuka-Cola Quantum 2; legendary junks; others
Requirements: Level 26; Weapon max power 11+

Drama 6: Aqua-Schema

Return to the Vault-Tec offices.
We did what the people at the Vault-Tec offices asked. Now it's time for some answers!
Progress: 10h 30m
Rewards: Legendary junks; 3250 Caps; others
Requirements: Level 28; Weapon max power 12+

Drama 7: The Reluctant Shill

Track down the Wizard's assistant.
We're close to tracking down the Wizard! Apparently his assistant abandoned him and is holed up at a Super-Duper Mart. We'll beat the truth out of him if we have to!
Progress: 16h 0m
Rewards: 5000 Caps; others
Requirements: Level 30; Weapon max power 13+

Drama 8: Snake Water

Shut down the Water Wizard's operation.
We've finally pinned down the Wizard of Water. Time to confront him and stop him from selling any more of his glorified tap Water. Maybe we can make some money on the side as well...
Progress: 18h 30m
Rewards: Legendary outfit-Elder Robe; Nuka-Cola Quantum 2; 3500 Caps; others
Requirements: Level 32; Weapon max power 13+
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Fallout Shelter Green Quest - When Irish Eyes are Glowing

All 5 Dramas

Drama 1: Shamrock The Casbah

Retrieve clover samples from an abandoned Vault.
We've received information that Vault 317 contains clover samples from before the Great War. This hardy, nutritious weed, believed to be extinct, could prove an important staple for us. We need to bring back these samples - if there are any left!
Progress: 2h 30m
Rewards: Nuka-Cola Quantum 2; recipes; others
Requirements: Level 20; Weapon max power 9+

Drama 2: Driving The Snakes Out

Defeat a band of Raiders hostile to redheads.
A band of Raiders knows as the Snakes has been targeting Settlers with red hair, calling them "gingers" and claiming they are inferior beings. We need to drive these Snakes out of the neighborhood, for good!
Progress: 8h 45m
Rewards: Nuka-Cola Quantum 2; 3000 Caps; rare junks; others
Requirements: Level 21; Weapon max power 9+

Drama 3: The end of the rainbow

Find the treasure at the end of the rainbow.
We've heard strange rumors of a great treasure found at the end of the rainbow! Our calculations indicate that's near the abandoned talc mines to the West, ruled by a myserious Raider boss called "Shaun the Leper".
Progress: 14h 0m
Rewards: Vault-Tec Lunchbox 1; Nuka-Cola Quantum 2; legendary junks; others
Requirements: Level 22; Weapon max power 9+

Drama 4: It's not easy to being green

Help nearby Settlers deal with a strange epidemic.
Nearby Settlers have become very sick following the annual St. Patrick's Day festivities, with some reported cases of Ghoulification! This might just be, um, "food" poisoning, but we should investigate in case it's an actual epidemic...
Progress: 6h 0m
Rewards: Nuka-Cola Quantum 2; Legendary junk - Chemical Flask; 3300 Caps; others
Requirements: Level 23; Weapon max power 10+; Radiation Suit

Drama 5: The Banshee's keen

Solve the mystery of a haunted building.
We've received reports from nearby Settlers that their building is haunted by a wailing female spirit. That sounds unlikely, but we should investigate in the name of... Science! Don't worry, we'll honor your memory if the angry dead end up eating your souls.
Progress: 9h 30m
Rewards: Legendary pet - Polly; Nuka-Cola Quantum 2; 4050 Caps; others
Requirements: Level 24; Weapon max power 10+

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Fallout Shelter Green Quest - Horsemen of the Post-Apocalypse Part 2

All 6 Dramas

Drama 1: Parley Time

Meet with War, who invited you to talk.
The Horsemen, War, has invited us to discuss matters of common interest. His messenger told us the Warshippers would try to kill us, but it's worth the risk to find out what he wants! Also, we should be on the lookout for Weekly Exposition reporters, and use the codeword "eagle" after they talk about Nuka-Cola.
Progress: 5h 0m
Rewards: Legendary junk - Military Duct Tape; 1800 Caps; others
Requirements: Level 20; Weapon max power 7+

Drama 2: Crime scene investigation

Search for clues about Death in Vault 672.
Huzzah! We now have a truce with War until the other Horsemen are dealt with! To that end, War claims that the servants of Death attacked Vault 672. So we're off to investigate and look for any clues they may have left behind...
Progress: 7h 45m
Rewards: Nuka-Cola Quantum 1; rare weapon - Laser Rifle; 2000 Caps; others
Requirements: Level 21; Weapon max power 8+

Drama 3: Death Revealed?

Learn the truth about Death from the Overseer of Vault 144!
In Vault 672, we met Dwellers from Vault 144 who are familiar with Death, the mysterious fourth Horseman. As promised, their Overseer contacted us and set up a meeting where she'll tell us what she can! But she doesn't want to reveal the location of her Vault, so we'll be joining her in an abandoned building...
Progress: 10h 30m
Rewards: Vault-Tec Lunchbox 1; Nuka-Cola Quantum 1; Rare outfits- Study Vault Suit; others
Requirements: Level 22; Weapon max power 8+

Drama 4: Give me Liberty and/or Death

Discover the location of Vault 144, home of the Death cultists.
It was a trap! Whoever Death is, he's sleeping... and the Vault 144 Dwellers believe that killing people will wake the Horseman up! We killed need to find their Vault. If we're lucky, the Vault-Tec Archives will have its location...
Progress: 7h 45m
Rewards: Nuka-Cola Quantum 1; Recipes; 2300 Caps; others
Requirements: Level 23; Weapon max 9+

Drama 5: Operation: Sandman

Infiltrate Vault 144 to stop the Dwellers from waking Death.
Despite the best efforts of the Vault 144 Dwellers, we discovered the location of their home and that they only worship Death because "Death" was incorrectly capitalized in their Vault's instruction manual! We must now infiltrate Vault 144 and stop them from working Death...
Progress: 11h 0m
Rewards: Nuka-Cola Quantum 1; Legendary junks; Recipes; others
Requirements: Level 24; Weapon max power 9+; Armored Vault Suit

Drama 6: Release The Raiders!

Get the Warshippers to look for Death's cave.
Death wan't in Vault 144. He's in a cave somewhere, and Vault 144 Dwellers are still out there trying to wake him up with War to give him a status report! And while we're at it, we can keep the Warshippers out of trouble by asking them to find the cave...
Progress: 14h 15m
Rewards: Pet box 1; Nuka-Cola Quantum 1; Fragments; others
Requirements: Level 25; Weapon max power 9+

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Fallout Shelter Limited Quest The Book of Wuv

All 4 dramas

Drama 1: All's Fair in Love and Nuclear War

Travel to a nearby Vault to find a potential mate.
We've received word that a nearby Vault is holding a Singles Night for Valentine's Day, and they've invited us to participate!
Progress: 3h 0m
Rewards: Nuka-Cola Quantum 1; Theme Recipe Fragment; 400 Caps; others
Requirements: Level 10; Formal Wear; 3 Charisma

Drama 2: This Golden Ring

Retrieve Pre-war Jewelry to make a ring.
Love is in the air, and just like radioactive fallout - once it gets inside you it doesn't get out! All we need now is a ring to pop the big question. We might have some luck finding Pre-War Jewelry in a nearby abandoned building.
Progress: 4h 15m
Rewards: Nuka-Cola Quantum 1; Gold Watch; others
Requirements: Level 11; 3 Perception; Weapon max power 4+

Drama 3: A Labor of Love

Clear out a cave in preparation for a wedding.
The big day is almost upon us. The idea was to have a wedding in a natural setting, but since it's too dangerous outside we'll use a nearby cave instead. We just need to sterilize it.
Progress: 6h 0m
Rewards: Rare weapon - Double-Barrel Sewed-Off Shotgun; 425 Caps; others
Requirements: Level 12; weapon max power 5+

Drama 4: Groom for Doubt

Rescue a missing groom from Raiders.
That was quite the bachelor party last night! Too bad the groom's missing today. Last we saw, he was being carried away by the hired entertainment. We have to bring him back, and quick. Let's avoid a repeat of New Year's Eve...
Progress: 3h 30m
Rewards: Legendary outfit-Tenpenny's Suit; 450 Caps; others
Requirements: Level 13; weapon max power 5+

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Fallout Shelter Green Quest - Horsemen of the Post-Apocalypse Part 1

All 6 Dramas

Drama 1: Radroach roundup

Save scientists from the Radroaches they were studying.
A distress call has come in from a nearby science lab studying Radroaches. Thieves stole their Radiation Suits and released all the Radroaches to cover their escape. Now the scientists are in over their heads and asking for help!
Progress: 1h 0m
Rewards: Rare outfit-Advanced Lab Coat; rare junk-Microscope; recipes; others
Requirement: Level 15; weapon max power 5+

Drama 2: Undercover Operations

Infiltrate a military base to stop the Pest attack!
An underground military base is under attack and calling in all their Wasteland patrols. Could it be the Pests again? We need to stop them! But we'll need Military Fatigues to pass as one of the patrols and get into the base...
Progress: 2h 45m
Rewards: Rare weapon; rare junk-Shore; recipe; others
Requirements: Level 15; weapon max power 6+; Military Fatigues

Drama 3: Dogs of War

Talk to Three Dog about the Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Famine and Pestilence are out there, whoever they are, with followers to spare. War and Death are the other infamous Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Are they terrorizing the Wasteland as well? If anyone knows, it's Three Dog at Galaxy News Radio. Let's go talk to him.
Progress: 4h 30m
Rewards: Nuka-Cola Quantum 3; rare outfit-Advanced Radiation Suit; rare junk-Globe; others
Requirements: Level 17; weapon max power 6+

Drama 4: Springing the trap

Get answers from the Pests lured into your trap.
At Three Dog's advice, we spread the word that a dozen suits of Power Armor were hidden in a particular cave. The Pests took the bait and are currently inside, searching for the suits. It's time to head in there and find out what we can about Pestilence and the Pests!
Progress: 2h 45m
Rewards: Legendary junk-Chemistry Flask; rare weapon-Hardened Hunting Rifle; recipe; others
Requirements: Level 18; weapon max 7+

Drama 5: Beat Reporting

Visit the offices of the Weekly Exposition.
A reporter for the Weekly Exposition newspaper, undercover as a Pest, told us about Pestilence and asked us to relay a message to his editor. He also said there are reporters hidden among the Hungry and the Warshippers, so let's go to the Exposition's offices and find out what they know!
Progress: 5h 0m
Rewards: Pet box 1; recipe; 1300 Caps
Requirements: Level 18; weapon max 7+

Drama 6: Matters to settle

Save a settlement caught between the Pests and the Hungry.
Three Dog reports that the Pests and the Hungry are about to face off right where a settlement stands! We need to stop them and save as many Settlers as possible. Also, we should be on the lookout for Weekly Exposition reporters, and use the codeword "eagle" after they talk about Nuka-Cola.
Progress: 7h 15m
Rewards: Vault-Tech Lunchbox 1; rare outfit-; 4000 Caps; others
Requirements: Level 19; weapon max power 7+

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Fallout Shelter Green Quest - Secret Agent Person

All 6 Dramas

Drama 1: Live dead drop

Deliver a message to a double agent.
We need to send a message to a friend who has infiltrated a gang of Raiders. Your mission is to drop the message at a nearby Super-Duper Mart for him to pick up. Try not to get spotted. Or, you know, killed.
Progress: 2h 45m
Rewards: Nuka-Cola Quantum 2; rare outfit - Raider Armor; others
Requirement: Level 13; Formal Wear; 1 Dweller

Drama 2: The infiltration game

Retrieve stolen documents from Raiders.
Using information from our undercover agent, we've learned that Raiders are holding what could very well be secret weapon blueprints. We need a single Dweller to infiltrate their base and retrieve those documents ASAP.
Progress: 4h 30m
Rewards: Rare weapon-Assault Rifle; Rare Weapon/Outfit Recipe; others
Requirements: Level 18; Raider Armor; 1 Dweller

Drama 3: Secret Weapon Test

Test the weapon built from recovered blueprints.
Among the documents retrieved from the Raider base were plans for a new weapon. Our engineers have built it, but now we need to test the weapon out in the field to see how well it performs. Make sure no one sees you and lives to tell about it.
Progress: 8h 0m
Rewards: Nuka-Cola Quantum 1; rare outfits; rare junks; others
Requirements: Level 24; Junk Jet; 1 Dweller

Drama 4: Sabotage!

Counter a plot to poison the Vault's water supply.
We found some worrying info in the documents retrieved from the Raider base. It appears they made camp in a nearby uranium mine to poison our water supply. We need to send someone to stop this... discreetly, of course.
Progress: 50m
Rewards: Vault-Tech Lunchbox 1; rare weapons; 1000 Caps; others
Requirements: Level 31; Radiation Suit; 1 Dweller

Drama 5: Dart of Harkness

Meet with security chief Harkness.
We've received a transmission from Harkness, River City's chief of security, about important information he wants to give us in person. Put on your best clothes and meet him at the abandoned Super-Duper Mart north of the Vault.
Progress: 9h 30m
Rewards: Recipe; 1750 Caps; others
Requirements: Level 39; Formal Wear; 1 Dweller

Drama 6: Extreme Prejudice

Take out a hostile Vault Overseer.
The information we got from Harkness is troubling: it reveals a rival Vault Overseer is behind all of the recent attacks against us. We need to send a single assassin to infiltrate the Vault and take out its leader... with extreme prejudice.
Progress: 16h 0m
Rewards: Pet box 1; Nuka-Cola Quantum 2; 1800 Caps
Requirements: Level 48; Vault Suit; 1 Dweller

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Fallout Shelter Blue Quest (8)

Monster under the bed

Track down and kill a teddy bear-stealing monsters!
One of the Vault youngsters was playing outside when a terrifying monster stole their teddy bear. Now they refuse to sleep, claiming the monster comes back every night to hide under their bed! We've got to track the beast down to end the kid's fears - permanently.
Progress: 20h 0m
Rewards: Rare weapon-Pickaxe; rare outfits; rare junk- teddy bear
Requirements: Level 25; weapon max power 10+

Dog shelter

Rescue Fido from the ghouls.
Someone let Fido out without a leash. Guess you'll need to get him back.
Progress: 20h 0m
Rewards: Pet-Black Lab; rare weapons; others
Requirements: Level 20+; weapon max power 8+

The cat burglar

Solve the mystery of an elusive thief.
A cat burglar has been hitting Vault after Vault, taking pets away from their owners. Stop them before they steal another cat!
Progress: 9h 0m
Rewards: Pet-Turkish Van; 400 Caps; others
Requirements: Level 11; weapon max power 4+

Collector's Edition

Retrieve a brand-new Mr. Handy from Raiders.
We've heard that local Raiders have found a brand-new Mr. Handy, still in his original box, in an abandoned industrial building. We should try to get our hands on this collector's item before those Raiders ruin it.
Progress: 7h 30m
Rewards: Mr. Handy box 1; recipe; 600 Caps; others
Requirements: Level 25; weapon max power 9+

The De-buggers

Help Vault 505 deal with its bug problem.
We've received a call for help from Vault 505. They've been working on a special project that would allow Dwellers to play games on their Pip-Boys. Imagine that! Unfortunately, they've also been overrun with Radroaches. We have to help them!
Progress: 3h 0m
Rewards: Rare outfit-Advanced Lab Coat; rare junks; others
Requirements: Level 9; weapon max power 3+; 3 Perception

Divide And Conquer

Defeat the Euler's Angels.
There's a new Raider gang, Euler's Angels, terrorizing the Wasteland's perimeter! Without going on a tangent, we need to send out smartest Dwellers to reduce the threat these radicals pose, and solve this acute situation.
Progress: 3h 14m
Rewards: Nuka-Cola Quantum 1; legendary junks; Fragment; others
Requirements: Level 20; 4 Intelligence
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