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日本旅游推荐:小江戶川越Koedo Kawagoe

1hour far away from Totyo Station, you can live in Tokyo and pay an 1 day tour.
The old storehouse, merchant houses are lined up, and the Toki-no-kane (Bell Tower) rings to tell the time. Take a walk through the town in a kimono (you can rent it) and you'll feel as if you've time back to ancient Edo. In Kawagoe, you can experience the traditional and pure Japan which you can't see in Tokyo. Why not visit the temples and learn about historical heritage, fill up on Japanese food at an authentic Japanese restaurant, and spend time with the feeling of Edo?

推荐理由Why I recommend it?

  • 保留了江户时代的建筑Old style building of Edo Period
  • 能体验大正时代的风情Life of Daisei period
  • 离东京不远Nearby Tokyo
  • 能租到浴衣Can rent a Yukata
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