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Pokemon Go how to get Pokeball and egg怎么拿到精灵球和精灵蛋?

English follow Chinese.

You must have a Pokeball before catch a Pokemon. Where can get the free Pokeball and Pokemon egg?

地图上的除了道场(一般上面会有一只pokemon在)以外还有不少小的点(有一些方块悬浮)。有樱花飘舞的表示有人在那个点上放了召集精灵的道具,提升了那个点附近的精灵出现率。如何使精灵点撒花请看:Pokemon Go 如何在精灵点撒花
There are Gyms and Pokestops in the map. The Pokestop with pink flower means higher rate of Pokemon appearance. How to make flower please check:Pokemon Go How to use Lure Module

Go close to Pokestop, the cube will turn to Pokeball mark, touch it to enter detail page.

Slide the picture, then you may get Pokeballs, Pokemon egg, items etc.

进入背包,找到精灵蛋把它放入孵化器。然后就开始奔跑吧,跑着跑着精灵就会被孵化出来。如何孵蛋请看:Pokemon Go孵化精灵蛋
You can find Pokemon egg in bag,and hatch it. How to hatch please check:Pokemon Go Egg Incubators

道具详细内容请看下方链接。More detail about items, please check link below:

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