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Pokemon Go 捉妖(捕捉精灵)时的装备Things better bring with you

English follow Chinese.

In order to be Pokemon master, you need to catch outside for a long time. It is better to bring things below with you.
  1. 一个用于装东西的背包
  2. 一瓶水
  3. 一块巧克力
  4. 一顶在晚上能发出荧光的鸭舌帽
  5. 一些零钱和硬币
  6. 一把折叠伞
  7. 手电筒
  8. 便携充电电池
  9. 如果到野外去最好穿上长裤
  1. A bag to stock things
  2. A bottle of water
  3. A chocolate
  4. A fluoresce cap
  5. Some coin
  6. A foldable umbrella
  7. Lighting
  8. A battery
  9. It's better in long trousers, when go wild.
If you have a pet, take it with you, it can help you to observe the surrounding safe or not.

捉妖请注意安全,且捉且小心。Be careful.

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