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Doodle God:Quest - Halloween Party


Angle and Imp story
One day, an Imp and an Angel strolled into the Doodle God's office......
  1. Imp+Water=Alcohol
  2. Imp+Milk=Bacteria
  3. Angel+Sand=Beach
  4. Dinosaur+Angel=Beast
  5. Angel+Bacteria=Beetle
  6. Angel+Egg=Bird
  7. Imp+Domestic animal=Blood
  8. Angel + Earth=Clay
  9. Angel + Wool=Clothing
  10. Imp + Human=Corpse
  11. Imp + Light=Darkness
  12. Imp + Dragon=Demon
  13. Angel +Dragon=Dinosaur
  14. Angel +Beast=Domestic animal
  15. Imp + Egg=Dragon
  16. Angel +Stone=Egg
  17. Angel +Energy=Electricity
  18. Angel +Radiation=Energy
  19. Angel +Grass=Flower
  20. Angel +Tree=Forest
  21. Imp+ Metal=Gold
  22. Imp+ Clay=Golem
  23. Angel + Swamp=Grass
  24. Imp + Sulfur=Gunpowder
  25. Angel + Air=Heavens
  26. Angel + Clay=Human
  27. Angel + Golem=Human
  28. Angel + Vampire=Human
  29. Angel + Werewolf=Human
  30. Imp + Fire=Inferno
  31. Imp + Lava=Inferno
  32. Imp + Earth=Lava
  33. Angel + Sun=Light
  34. Imp + Domestic animal=Meat
  35. Imp + Stone=Metal
  36. Angel + Domestic animal = Milk
  37. Imp + Radiation = Nuclear bomb
  38. Imp + Bird =Phoenix
  39. Imp + Scorpion=Poison
  40. Imp + Sun=Radiation
  41. Angel + Sulfur = Sand
  42. Imp + Beetle = Scorpion
  43. Angel + Water = Sea
  44. Angel + Lava = Stone
  45. Imp + Air = Storm
  46. Imp + Swamp = Sulfur
  47. Angel + Fire = Sun
  48. Imp + Sea = Swamp
  49. Angel + Metal = Tools
  50. Imp + Forest = Treant
  51. Angel+Grass = Tree
  52. Imp + Blood = Vampire
  53. Imp + Bacteria = Virus
  54. Imp + Human = Warrior
  55. Imp + Tools = Weapon
  56. Imp + Beast = Werewolf
  57. Angel + Domestic animal = Wool
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